Phew, it has been a while. I had a little accident. Word to the wise, practice what you preach. I had a week where I had a lot of my mind. It was just full of stuff and I was not in my body. To be fair, my horses were giving me little reminders the whole time, but was I listening? Apparently not! Kassie had already given me a little nip on my shoulder when she didn't like my energy, but I was so all over the place, I just didn't hear her. Anyway, long story short, along with her own journey of finding her body in space, she was not happy I was setting boundaries with her and decided to give me a little the head..... I didn't see it coming, but definitely felt it. It took me off my feet and landing on my side, I thought I had broken my wrist. After a little hospital visit, it was all good, I had concussion, but no broken bones. What came out of it, was the fact I had to stop. I couldn't do anything for 48 hours and I am so thankful that I have amazing barn support and they looked after everyone whilst I rested. Kassie was very, very sorry and me, well, it gave me time to stop and reflect on why it happened.
It reminded me that I need to be in my body more. This is a constant journey, one we never stop practicing, we are never perfect, we are always learning and always needing to check in with ourselves. I am lucky, I have the horses to remind me that I need to stop, smell the roses, appreciate what is around me and to take time.
Kassie is going through her own journey, she needs my reassurance, she needs for me to be congruent and in my body and listening to what she needs. She will get there eventually, but at the moment, I have to step up. When you have a 1400 lb horse reminding you where you need to be, you listen.
Each of my horses need something different from me. Henry, my baby, he is four years old and needs time. So much time. I have all the time in the world. Being soft, patient and again congruent allows him to take that time and build that confidence. We do not rush our children of that age, so why rush a horse? I try and meet each of my horses where they are on that day. We may have had an awesome day one day and then....not. Case in point, Henry, will lunge beautifully. We can do walk, trott, halt, in and out of transitions, me allowing him to release between each ask. Each ask being from my body, my energy. I do not use a lunge whip, I use my body, my steps beside him. He watches me for guidance on what is being asked, we work together understanding what one another needs. It can be pure magic......then the following day, he can gallop round full tilt and lie down and feel that it is all too much and the world just needs to leave him alone. Sound familiar??? You know what, it is OK. I have good days and bad days, I have days where I just need to sit or be quiet and not too much can be asked of me. Why can't my horses be the same. So these are some of the lessons I have revisited whilst being a little dazed and confused. I have learned I cannot push any of my horses into anything they are not comfortable doing. I am also trying it a bit with the family.... I will let you know how that goes, ha ha ha.
On a totally different note, I finished my supervision calls with Equine Alchemy, which means I am well on my way to being a certified life coach. I have my hours to collect and an exam or two to take, but I am then a certified. Not words I honestly thought I would be uttering. However, you know what, I love it!!! I love helping clients to find their way. Not telling them what to do or how to feel, but allowing them to feel it themselves, explore why and how through their body, acknowledging their shadows and finding a way forward. To watch my clients blossom fills my heart so much.
I was also approved by BC Autism Funding as a Service Provider. This, I am very excited about. It means I can share my program with anyone who has autism funding. Teaching kids and adults about relationship, emotions, body language, regulation. I am loving the work I am doing currently and excited I can share it with more clients.
Oh, I managed to present a TEDx talk, go figure. A lot of people who know me, think I am confident and happy to chat (which to be fair, I am), but on a one on one basis. Throw me up in front of a crowd, the hives break out and I want to throw up. However, my topic was about my journey to health through horses. Especially Rumor, my beautiful girl, who I still miss on a daily basis, but how she has taught me so much and how this has enabled me to work with Kassie who has deep trauma, so it flowed. I did have it scripted due to time limits and the bump to the head. I will post the video once it has been edited. Impatiently waiting for it.
I added to my herd, Clyde and Lightening joined us, they are a pair of minis. They will be working with my younger clients, but who doesn't love to snuggle a little mini!! I love them!
I am busy working on programs (all to be posted here this week) and having a little rethink of how I do things. It is all very exciting and I am over the concussion now, but sometimes being kicked into touch can be a positive thing.....honestly!
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