Sigh, Henry stand still please, I don't have time for this. It is a rug, it is fine, it is not going to eat you, just stand whilst I put it on you. Another big sigh, I have to get this on, and I have so much to do. I need to get home and clean some of the house, then make a couple of phone calls for the girls appointments, not to mention school work and having to get some work out for a bookkeeping client, arghh when will it end!!! I look up at Henry who is still rolling his eyeball at the rug in my hand. I take a deep breathe and look at him again. Oh Henry, I am sorry, I am dumping on you, that is not fair. Henry's is my little 3 year old Appaloosa, his eyes are on high alert, his head up, ears back and standing ready for flight. Looking at him, I see myself right there. I am over whelmed, I have too much going on and trying to spin too many plates. Sound familiar? I take myself out of the stable find my feet, take a deep breathe through my nose and out through my mouth, allowing all those pent up stresses to be released. I listen to the sounds around me, the air blowing against my cheeks, the smell of the earth and the trees around me. I plant my feet in the ground and allow my body to reconnect to nature. I scan my body and figure out what is going on, where am I feeling this stress, how can I disperse this and be centred in my body and take my day as it comes without grinding my teeth, have a stress headache, my shoulders up around my ears. I find that feeling, breathe into it and feel everything lift. I realise I take on too much, I try to do everything. I feel I have to, to show my value in my family and to those around me, but you know what, I do not!
I go back into the stable with Henry feeling lighter, he lowers his head, licks and chews, releasing the stress he was feeling, because of the stress I was feeling. He drops down into the parasympathetic, back to grazing and takes his own deep breathe. I take another breathe and stand next to Henry with the rug, he looks at me as if it is still out to eat him, but he sighs, licks and chews and let me put it over this shoulders and over his back.
Welcome to Equine Facilitated Wellness. By understanding what is going on in our body, we can change the way react to situations, not following the story in our head, but feeling what our body is telling us through the heart and the gut. How many times have we had a "gut" feeling telling us that something is right or wrong, how many times have you listened to that feeling. How many times has something made your heart swell or tighten? Through Equine Facilitated Coaching we learn how to turn this messages in real information and allow ourselves to become our more authentic self. It allows us to live a different life. For me, I see in brighter colors, stronger smells, hear the birds sing, the wind blowing through the trees, my body is more heightened to everything around it, kind of like a horse. I like living my life like this. I want to share it with others, horses and people! I am loving my new way of life.
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